Dear [MP's name],
I'll keep this short as I know how full your inbox must be.
You have been elected to serve as a plenipotentiary for your constituents. You have a responsibility to act in our best interests. It is my belief — based on a careful study of the issues — that no Brexit is good for the UK. Leave won the referendum with a slim majority. They did so with lies and by playing to people's fears.
Half the people in this country don't want any kind of Brexit. Of those who do want it, some want to remain in the Single Market. There is no mandate for hard Brexit.
Theresa May intends to turn this country into a tax haven. Goodbye workers' rights, goodbye environmental protections, goodbye international security, goodbye science and research, goodbye banking industry, goodbye jobs, and goodbye economic stability. Wave a fond farewell to the NHS.
There is a way to prevent this. The power is in your hands. We do not have to do this. Please join the growing number of your fellow Labour MPs (e.g. Owen Smith, David Lammy, Neil Coyle, etc.) in saying you won't vote for Article 50 unless and until certain conditions are met.
Thank you.
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your postcode]
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