Dear Ms Lucas, Mr Corbyn, Ms Sturgeon, Ms Wood, and Mr Farron,
Zac Goldsmith's "resignation" from the Conservative Party and the forthcoming by-election in Richmond Park has created a massive opportunity for all progressive-minded political parties. This is our chance to show the Tories how reasonable adults behave.
Together we can create a more open, inclusive, educated, engaged society, in which everyone has the tools to improve their own lives. Together we can defeat the cataclysm of Brexit — or at least a hard Brexit.
I implore you, Ms Lucas, Mr Corbyn, and Mr Farron, please field one candidate between you. The harsh reality of Richmond Park is that neither a Labour candidate nor a Green one can win. Only a LibDem candidate can defeat Mr Goldsmith.
Ms Sturgeon and Ms Wood, obviously you won't be fielding candidates, but I urge you to lend your support. You have the respect of a great many people in London. An endorsement from either or both of you would have weight.
Reject hate. Embrace openness. We don't need to agree on everything, but we must work together to bring our country back from the brink of self-imposed destruction.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Your name here)
CC: More United, Vote for Europe, Open Britain, InFacts, Vote Leave Watch
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