Thursday, 20 April 2017

No, I Won't Shut Up About Brexit

People (read: Corbyn supporters) keep telling me there are more important issues than Brexit.

Brexit isn't just the biggest issue — it is the only issue. Everything else is impacted by it or determined by it.

NHS: will be decimated by Brexit

Social care: ditto
Workers rights: ditto
Enviro protections: ditto
Pensions: ditto

Wages: stagnated
Inflation: through the roof
Unemployment: ditto
Social housing: gone
Libraries: ditto
Education: only for the wealthy
Retirement: ditto

Brexit will TAKE money from the poorest in this country and GIVE it to the wealthiest. It will reduce our security, increase inequality, remove protections from those who most need them. It will turn us into a tax haven for the ultra wealthy with deregulated, unprotected industries.

So go ahead, tell me again how there are issues other than Brexit for Labour to focus on.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Let's Work Together

Right, listen up! This is not about party mergers or coalitions. The aim here is to make June the end of May so we can avert Brexit, or at least hard Brexit.

The name of the game towards that aim is the prisoner's dilemma. It's game theory. More about it here:

I want to be clear. I'm not suggesting party mergers or coalitions. Just the mathematically sensible application of game theory to defeat May and hard Brexit...

To make June the end of May, we figure out which progressive candidates have a chance & we choose not to oppose them. We support them.

No mergers.

No coalitions.

The target outcome is a minority government, which would need to compromise & play nice to achieve anything at all.

Are you going to tell me minority govts can't/won't work? I'm Canadian; we think they're pretty normal.

If any of the good MPs in bad parties are deselected, we stand aside. We support them as independents or make room for them in our parties.

And, naturally, we do everything we possibly can to make sure Prime Dictator May herself is unseated.

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