Monday, 1 August 2016

Response from Nicola Sturgeon's office

Brilliant response from Nicola Sturgeon's office to my letter. Sounds like they just might be open to #MoreUnited after all. Well, here's hoping...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: 1 August 2016 at 11:45
Subject: RE: Thanks and Pleas

Thank you for your correspondence following the EU Referendum.

Scotland has delivered a strong, unequivocal vote to remain in the EU with all local authority areas in Scotland voting to remain in the EU and the Scottish Government welcomes that outcome. The Scottish Government firmly believes that EU membership delivers many social, economic and cultural benefits for individuals, businesses and communities across Scotland. We also welcome those EU nationals who have chosen to make Scotland their home and who make an important and valuable contribution to our economy and society.

Given the support in Scotland for remaining in the European Union, the Scottish Government is exploring all options to secure Scotland's interests, and to protect its relationship with the EU and our place in the single market.

In ensuring we consider all options, the First Minister has said that independence has to be considered, however the starting point of our discussions is to protect our place in Europe.  Any decision on a further referendum will be for the Scottish Parliament to take having considered all the options for Scotland's future relationship with the EU.

The Government's approach has been supported by the Scottish Parliament and the First Minister has already begun discussions with the UK Government, other devolved administrations, EU institutions and other member states.

The Scottish Government has also made it clear to the UK Government that we should be consulted before the UK Government begins the process of seeking to negotiate a withdrawal from the EU, and that we should be fully and directly involved in any negotiations in order to ensure Scotland's interests are properly represented.

However it is important to be clear that at this time, the UK remains a member of the EU and the ability to trade with the EU, and the rights of EU citizens, remain unaffected at present.

If you would like any further information on the steps being taken by the Scottish Government to protect Scotland's  relationship with, and place in, the EU, you can find this online at

Thanks again for taking the time to get in touch.

Fiona Hyslop
Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs


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