Saturday 2 July 2016


Stephen Crabb is a bad candidate for Prime Minister.

He thinks homosexuality can be cured by positive thinking. He believes cutting disability benefits will HELP those who need them. 

And yet…

And yet, the alternatives are just SO MUCH WORSE.

We are going to be stuck with one of the five Horsemen of the Apocalypse as our Prime Minister for up to 3.5 years. And not just any years either, these will be some of the single most important years in this country's long history.

Pale / Death: Michael Gove (being alternately operated by Sarah Vine or Rupert Murdoch). He wants this country to commit suicide. For what reason, I cannot begin to imagine — but he does.

Red / War: Theresa May hates immigrants. Never mind free movement within Europe, she wants to ban SKILLED immigration from anywhere. I mean, remember the racist vans? She would build a wall around the country if she could.

White / Pestilence: I'll let the Telegraph describe Andrea Leadsom, shall I? "Ms Leadsom is the 'real world' candidate, with prime Thatcherite credentials. It is no surprise that Tory grandees this week spent hours on the phone persuading her to stand. She will bill herself as the person who will deliver brexit because she is passionate about the outcome." Ugh!

Black / Famine: Liam Fox is a fraudster, a nepotist, and a thief. He misused huge amounts of government funds at a time when the country could least afford it. Surely that's enough.

Other: So, Stephen Crabb… As Prime Minister, he would undoubtedly think bad things about homosexuals. He would wish he could try to cure them. But let's be realistic here: those thoughts will be so far to the back of his mind. He will not have even one second of time to spend acting on them. At the end of his term, the LGBTQ community will still have every right and freedom they have today — and maybe, just maybe, we'll all have a country left in which to enjoy our freedoms.

We NEED a general election. In the absence of one, I know which one of the above I'd prefer.


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